Thursday, 16 April 2009

Trampolining Hound

I know I have no photographic evidence but Henry has decided to take up trampolining.

Even I can't quite beleive it. At regular intervals during the week he does a bit of mad running around the garden, this involves taking in as many obsticles as possible and jumping or running under them. Fergus did a very similar thing so I can only assume this is a Saluki thing. Anyway, lately Henry has been jumping onto the trampoline and then on to the wall at the end of the garden, trotting very quickly along the wall, down into the vegetable patch and springing out over the wall of the veg patch onto the lawn to continue the mad running.

This week though he has always stopped on the trampoline and sort of bounced about on it, no wall or veg patch just the trampoline. It's really mad.

Then in the sun the other day I decided to sit on the trampoline and was instantly joined by Henry who proceeded to bounce about and play bite me while barking. It's very funny and I don't understand why he is doing it but he seems to love the bouncing. He even jumps on when my stepson jumps up and down on it which causes much hilarity.

I'll do my best to get a photo, if I can catch Henry in the act.

1 comment:

MBNAD woman said...

What a nice couple of weeks - I'm not surprised that you haven't had any time to blog. I love the description of the mad collie eyes. We used to say that Mossie would get "bonkers eyes" when we had been out playing. Curiously enough, Spot gets excited eyes too and this, coupled with their sightlessness, leads him to look like an extra from Buffy or some such!
You will have to get a picture of Henry the Trampolinist.