Saturday 17 October 2009

Blog Holiday

Sorry I've not posted anything for so long. It's been a mad few weeks and it was quite nice to take a blog holiday, until yesterday when I decided to catch up on all the blogs I followed and I realised how much I miss this and all of you.

On the toe front Molly has recovered very well. It wasn't an easy ride, she couldn't go out for three weeks and Molly is the kind of dog who watches the clock for the minute she is going for a walk and then leaps up and bugs you until you take her. However we made it through and she is now on shortish walks that are getting longer so very soon she will be up to speed and back to normal.

Over the last few weeks Henry's sense of humour has increased greatly. I had some shopping delivered one day and while putting it away I went to answer the phone, once off the phone I put some washing in the tumble dryer and carried on putting the shopping away. It wasn't until later that day that I discovered the bread wrapper, a container for a ready meal and a packet of toilet rolls at the bottom of the garden.

Then last week I made a chocolate cake, this is a rare event for me and I'd made it really chocolately and put lots of chocolate findant icing on the top. While waiting for the icing to set I put it right at the back of the kitchen work surface - this is somewhere that is relatively dog proof, until now - and went off to do something else. After a couple of minutes I heard a crash in the kitchen and shot through to see what was happening. Henry had climbed on one of the chairs, knocked a load of plastic containers off the work surface and pulled the cake to the edge. Not only that but he had licked the lovely fondant icing completely off of one half of the cake. Needless to say the cake ended up being a dog treat over the course of the next few days, I'm not sure what this teaches them but after all that hard work I wasn't going to throw it in the bin!

On a good note, Henry has stopped barking madly at the chickens. I can't remember if I said that I got four lovely Lavender Araucana hens, they are very beautiful and posh, in fact they are too posh to lay an egg so have become more pets than functional. For the first few weeks Henry barked at them non stop but thankfully now he has begun to get used to them and only barks if they are right by the fence. I think there is no doubt he'd have a chicken dinner if he could get through the fence but at least the barking has stopped.

Badger is doing well too, he had a bath last night which is a major event, but he is now adorable and fluffy and so cute looking. He's still a pest though with all his collie-brained habits like never ever keeping still but at least he is a clean pest now!

Well I'd better get on and go to work and I promise not to take a blogging holiday again for a while.x