Thursday, 26 February 2009


We have horrible weather here, all sideways rain and big winds which make the tiles rattle on the roof.

This sort of weather is always a pest, before dogs it was the sort of weather that made me want to curl up beside the fire with a good book or watch good tv but now I just see it as even more cleaning as the dogs insist on running on the grass, get covered in mud and run back inside before I can catch them to clean their paws.

One person in the house is thinking of nicer weather though and that is Badger.

Yesterday I found him lying on top of his cage, upside down and looking at me with his one blue eye as if this was perfectly normal.

I'm sure I remember Snoopy doing just the same and dreaming of sunny days.....


MBNAD woman said...

Photos - we need the evidence! My friend's daughter used to sleep with one, very blue eye open. If she nodded off on the bus, she was guaranteed that no-one would sit next to her!

Henry the Leaphound said...

Great to hear from you MBNAD Woman! I'll do my best to catch him in the act because it's so funny!

Badger's currently in the habit of doing things when he thinks he is alone and stopping the instant he sees or hears you!