Sunday, 21 September 2008

Snow Dogs

Just after Christmas it snowed! We get fairly big snow here as we are about 1000 feet above sea level so it's also very cold at times so getting lots of snow makes up for the lack of sunshine (well sort of).
Anyway, on the morning of the first day of snow I woke up and went downstairs to let the dogs out and on opening the back door they were just so funny. Neither dog seemed to have seen snow before, both of them usually go rushing out the door in a hurry to get sniffing round the garden but this time they just kept looking at the snow in the sky and watching it fall to the ground. They then tentatively stepped outside and both got snow on the end of their noses as they sniffed this strange cold white stuff that had suddenly appeared.

And then they went into snow dog mode.

Snow dog mode is a super fast accelerated version of a normal dog except this mode only happens when it snows. There is a similar mode for sandy beaches. Both dogs run madly round and round, leaping and jumping and smiling loads. It's so funny and lots of fun. For some bizarre reason Molly kept laying in the snow and rolling in it and then springing back up to belt round the garden again. And the very best thing about snow mode is that there are no muddly paws to clean before they can come back indoors.

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